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The New Age of Intelligent Code-Dewe Packaging Machinery Innovation

Posted On:2018-11-01 9:09:27

With the advent of the new era, the rapid development of the Internet + wave, the influence of artificial intelligence, coupled with the replacement of printing, has created a strong demand for the coding machine market, but the brutal market competition system of big waves has made many manufacturers weak. Faced with declining profits and rising human costs, how can China's manufacturing industry transition to intellectual industry? Dewe packaging machinery has always been committed to innovative printing, subversion of the traditional mechanical printing mode, to intelligent printing convenient, fast, Humanized design and continuous efforts.

In the era of intelligent hardware and software products, intelligent application has been gradually extended from the research and development of the printing industry to production and use. In this era of pan-intellectualized, dehee packaging machinery led the intelligent code to make printing more relaxed and efficient, Humanized mode is favored by enterprises, enhancing the core competitiveness of enterprises.

Dehong packaging machinery innovation originated from the demanding of printing, applying thermal transfer printing technology to practice, improving its own inherent ink wheel and ribbon playing machine technology, so that enterprises have more selectivity. At the same time, Deyi packaging machinery has many domestic patented technologies, making its similar products have leading technology. In the intelligent field, Deyi packaging machinery D series thermal transprinting and coding machines are the first to access the Internet to achieve long-range controllable precision operations. Make companies quick enough to cope with complex and volatile markets. In addition, Dehong packaging machinery is also integrated into ergonomics to make the operation of coding machines more comfortable and efficient; Dehan packaging machinery visual plate operation mode also provides a good operating platform for enterprises; The addition of a multilingual operating environment has reduced procurement costs for multinational enterprises.

Dehong packaging machinery now, announced the coming of the era of smart codes, will also create a wider and wider market for the future development of the business blue sea!

Copyright 2017 Wenzhou Dehong Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. Sitemap Technical support: Yunding Technology